Wednesday, September 19, 2012

House Shopping and A Question

We have been casually looking for a new home for the past six months or so. There are two things that are making the decision of whether to stay or move very difficult. Firstly, we don't have to move, our home is perfectly fine. Secondly and most importantly, the prices in this part of the country are out of control. There is very little inventory in what would be considered the next level up for us. Most newer homes that are for sale now are way, way over a million dollars. Sometimes it becomes very discouraging. This is an example of what I am talking about...

 $850,000.00  Cute, but way too small.

 Where's the house? This is what you get for $799,000.00.

Or if you have a really big wallet or a sugar daddy you can have this hot mess for the measly sum of
$16,500,000.00.  No that is not a typo-that is sixteen and a half million. I kid you not! Oh, and by the way it is only 3 miles from the house above.

I would have to be payed at least 20 mill to live in this....a little too much for my tastes!

 The good news is we happened upon an open house on Sunday in one of our top neighborhoods and we were pleasantly surprised by a lovely new home on a great street just off the lake. I really liked almost everything about the house, but here is the problem....

I don't love the kitchen. I really wanted a new home with a kitchen that I adored. (as I type this I wonder if it even exists) The arrows point to the problems. I definitely wanted an industrial stove, the black faucet, light fixture, granite and hardware are not doing it for me. And the thing I dislike the most is the back splash; way too stripy.

Here is my question...Do you think I could change everything but the granite and achieve a kitchen that is light and bright with a bit of sparkle???
So readers please give me suggestions. Leave them in the comments section or if you prefer to comment by email please do. I would so appreciate the help!

Here are a few other shots

 Family Room

Back porch and yard.




  1. It looks like a beautiful house! And it sounds like it's close to the lake which would be amazing. I like the openness of the kitchen and how there seems to be lots of natural light. Changing the back splash, light fixture and faucet would really change the look of it I think. Good luck with your decision!

  2. Wow when I saw the 2nd photo, it looked like it was plenty bright, but I see what you're getting out. Changing the backsplash to a lighter color and the fixture would brighten it up definitely. Honestly, that is a gorgeous kitchen, I can't believe you'd want to change it, but every ones style is different!
    Good luck!

  3. Thanks for the comments. I thought that my ideas about changing the kitchen might be crazy--glad to see that you "get" what I am talking about. I so appreciate your second opinions. You're awesome!

  4. Too funny - I know the family that lives in that first house and I see that we're looking for a very similar house...can I ask where that loveliness that you found is? I think that kitchen is totally fixable...all you need is some new fixtures, hardware and a great sparkly chandy...oh an a backsplash:)


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